
Getting actively involved in SmarterSig can be a great help in shaping your thinking about betting, whilst saving you money on membership fees. We allocate between 1 and 4 free membership months to all authors of published articles or systems. One or two regular contributors have even achieved ongoing FREE subscriptions. Some of the simplest articles can be the best. We try to publish regular contributions under the KISS (keep it simple stupid) banner. By definition these are relatively simple systems derived by members and are often no greater than a page in length.

All published articles receieve a payment of between £25 and £50 depending on the length and work involved.

We are also looking at the possibilty of race services offering a free months subscription to their services for an article of the month award. If you would like to sponsor such an award then please email SmarterSig with details.

A basic skeleton of the word document for submitting articles can be found here Document Skeleton

To submit articles, preferably in Word format,

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